Takehiro Adachi

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25 Oct 2012
What's yield?(for ruby newbies)

When we’re using Ruby, we often use blocks. Like the code below.

nums = [1, 2, 3, 4]

nums.collect! do |n|
  n ** 2

puts nums.inspect # => [1, 4, 9, 16]

For a Ruby newbie like me, this was like wtf.

I used to be a PHPer, well not a good PHPer. So the block concept was really new for me.

I thought of writing a post about it, but I found a really good article about the explanations of Blocks, Yields, Procs, and Lambdas over here.

You should really read it if your new to Ruby.

I used to be a PHPer, well a crappy PHPer. And in my opinion, Ruby is really awesome. You can do more stuff with less codes.

Engineers are born to make things automated, don’t repeat yourself :).

Takehiro Adachi at 21:20

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